About me

My name is Aliia, I am a real-life Rapunzel, a very long hair model, and also a Queen of super long hair!

I love natural beauty, including the natural beauty of hair, and have been promoting healthy lifestyles and natural beauty for more than the past ten years.

I dream of traveling the world, looking for long-haired girls, telling about them and showing this beauty, which I treat as an art.

Here you will see the content that I create, the ideas that inspire me and also beautiful places that emphasize the natural human beauty, complementing it, other Rapunzel girls that I will find in my adventures, and possibly followers, with special attention to arrange a meeting, or who will meet me by chance :)

I want to share all of that with you!


When you buy my content, I understand that you like my ideas and fully support them.

Your support inspires me, makes me more confident and moves me forward.


Thank you all!


Your Aliia, your Queen of super long hair.