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Real Rapunzel has 270 cm of shiness

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The video begins with a close-up of the hair. 
Real Life Rapunzel is standing with her back, her hands on the couch, her hair neatly spread across and stretching far across the floor. 
The hair is shiny, the camera runs along the entire length of the hair and you can see many bright colors that shimmer beautifully. 

@aliia_more throws her head back and her hair falls together, forming a heap, then her head rises and falls again.
Queen of super long hair begins to move away, thereby allowing all the hair to move smoothly along the sofa. 

Standing with her back, the girl plays with her hair, creates waves with her hands, leans in different directions - and each movement is accompanied by new shades of brightness and brilliance of her hair. 
Rapunzel turns to face the camera and is already playing with her hair in this position, then spreads it almost all over the sofa and you can see it close up.

You can look at it endlessly!

This is a FULL HD60fps video (1.5GB).
The duration of this video is 14 minutes.
Original sound.
You will be fully satisfied having this video in your collection.

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