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April Custom Photos_01: Scorpion pose and a two-meter sting (Set of 30 photos)

This photo set is FOR FREE for ALL of my PATRONS till 30.04.2023.
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Today you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a custom photo set, on a bed you already know!
Shoes - black, everyone's favorite high heels.

Clothing - black leggings and a green plaid shirt.

Poses - lying on the stomach, in the style of "Crawled Rapunzel", (which the customer was very inspired by), as well as kneeling, in different variations.

And as a bonus, there is even a photo in the “scorpion pose”, where @aliia_more is lying on her stomach. Her legs are raised up, and her hands are holding the heels of her shoes. 

The hair is lying along the back and ends in a small zigzag at the very edge of the bed. In this form, they really look like a two-meter scorpion sting!

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